- Borlaug’s Army: an undergraduate membership initiative of the American Phytopathology

Description: Borlaug’s Army: an undergraduate membership initiative of the American Phytopathology...Welcome to Borlaug’s Army —a recruitment, engagement, and outreach initiative of the American Phytopathological Society.  Free membership in our society, and full access to all of the career development and networking resources are available to any undergraduate in a recognized work experi...

community (14901) membership (1566) plant (1196) disease (643) connections (396) aps (254) become (127) phytopathology (14) phytopathological (6)

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search ************************--> APS Membership Community & Connections Become a Member Borlaug's Undergraduate Members Share | DisplayTitle ​​Borlaug's Army: An offer of free membership in the American Phytopathological Society Page Content Welcome to Borlaug’s Army —a recruitment, engagement, and outreach initiative of the American Phytopathological Society.  Free membership in our society, and full access to all of the career development and networking resources are available to any undergraduate in a

Norman Borlaug was a pioneer plant pathologist and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970.  His work saved over a billion (yes billion) people from starvation.  ​The term comes from his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize.  Learn more about his astonishing life .

APS Award of Distinction​ Normal Borl​aug Heritage Foundation Wikipe​dia The man who fed the world - BBC