- The Boun Lod Fund | News about Boun Lod

Description: News about Boun Lod

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September 19 turned out to be a beautiful, albeit breezy, fall day in Waterton. As guests began to arrive, the potluck table overflowed with an amazing assortment of appetizers, main courses, and deserts. Naturally, the bounty of carefully tended gardens was on full display.

Waterton Community Hall

Most of the folks in attendance knew Boun Lod’s story, and had been supporters of Boun Lod and the Boun Lod fund since the very beginning. After supper, Gordon gave a brief update about Boun Lod’s progress, and answered numerous questions about how she was doing. Everyone was pleased to hear that Boun Lod was doing well, and amazed to see how much she’d grown and changed since 2008.