- Start - Boylon GmbH - Temperaturmesstechnik

mi (2399) messumformer (22) temperatursensoren (11) mantelthermoelement (4) mantelleitung (3) klemmsockel (2) anschlussköpfe (1) ausgleichsleitungen (1) keramikschutzrohre (1) c799 (1)

Example domain paragraphs

  Fritz-Karl-Henkel-Straße 16, building 42, 67454 Haßloch / Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 6324 98977-10  

Boylon GmbH is a professional company for R&D, trade and production.

In our  trading business unit  we are specialized in temperature sensor parts. Our product portfolio you see  here . Since August 2017 we are a member of the AMA, the german sensor association.