- Maheshwari Boys Hostel Indore...

Description: Maheshwari Boys hostel is a most suitable boys hostle for the student who are looking for 'Safe and well-convenient residence away from homes'.A beautiful and well planned G+6 storied building is constructed for the complete hostel in which there are 76 fully equipped rooms for the convenient stay of around 180 students.

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इंदौर शहर में अपने सपने साकार करने के लिए घर से दूर रहने वाले स्टूडेंट्स के लिए घर जैसा सर्व सुविधायुक्त बॉयज हॉस्टल

To develop perfect educational environment and to provide a homely place to unwind

Check out our rules & regulation helping us and you to achieve our vision.

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