Description: [Brijesh Patel | Developer
developer (8983) engineer (3254) programmer (1737) analyst (259) bp96 (2) brijesh patel (2)
Since graduating from the University of Manchester with a degree in Physics, I have worked as a developer on a range of machine learning projects using Python and out of my own personal interest I have also been learning SQL as well as front-end web development. I'm a naturally curious, adaptable person who has worked independently on projects, within teams and, on occassion, assisted with managing projects as well. I am a quick learner and an excellent communicator too, and have written reports and given p
Top figure and video shows the contours predicted for the GTV regions of a test MRI dataset. The DICE coefficients calculated indicate level of overlap between predictions and actual delineations with a value of 1 indicating maximum overlap. Middle figure shows the GTV (red) and CTV (yellow) delineations used for training. Bottom figure shows the overlap between the predictions (orange) and real (yellow) for the CTV region.
This project involved reviewing techniques in generating synthetic data, driven by the need of sharing sensitive data for R&D purposes. The synthetic data generation tools aimed to mimic characteristics of the real dataset whilst removing or obscuring the sensitive information present within the real data. The final report was made public here on Gov.UK . For example, we might want the synthetic data to retain the range of values of the original data with similar (but not the same) outliers. Or we might wan