Description: BrainOG generated a common brain by combining a left sided brain which thinks analytic and a right sided brain which bears the creativity
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We generated a common brain by combining left brain which thinks analytic and right brain which bears the creativity. This collective counsciousness helps us using not only the 20% of our brain. We use the 100% for our customers thus giving them a promise about perfectionism and satisfaction. Due to this promise, we put ourselves into your shoes, fullfilled and still fullfilling all your wishes.
The left brain is the side that handles organization and logic.Because of this, those that have a dominant left side are also very organized; they prefer schedules and deadlines, and love rules and regulations. They are more auditory learners.They process ideas in a step-by-step, algorithmic way, and are therefore less prone to error.
The cerebellum receives information from the sensory systems and other parts of the brain and then regulates motor movements. Coordinates voluntary movements such as posture, balance, coordination, and speech, resulting in smooth and balanced muscular activity.