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Description: Home of the most advanced tenpin bowling center maintenance division software available, Pinsetter Essentials Professional, and home of the Frameworx/Vector touchscreen parts you can't get from Brunswick

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We are extremely excited to announce that after two and a half years in the making, we have released our sixth version of our industry leading software. We have been working many long hours to be able to make this release happen. We have completly rebuilt the base platform to minimize dependencies on other manufacturers' software for some of the features to work. We have made many changes to the package and further simplified tasks so you can focus on your work and not sitting and entering information all d

Users are no longer forced to fit things that must be worked on into fake lane numbers. Everything worked on is input as a asset to be interacted with. Users can have unlimited number of assets sorted in any number of departments. Users can now have unlimited users in system. It has still has Asset Issue Logging, Inventory Management, Personnel/Contact Management, and many more features just to name a few. For more information on the features of this application, please see the Features section of the site.

This program has been through many versions and languages over the course of the last several years and it is steadily going for all the current users. Our Solution Developer and Senior Designer are both currently working as mechanics in our GSX test facility and have extensively used this application. This application will provide you with the tools to control your inventory in an efficient manner and also provide key feedback for center managers with just the push of a few buttons. This program begins wit