- Brain Train Midwest. A Smarter Way to Connect.

Description: The Brain Train is a vision for a first-of-its-kind high-capacity travel network that will drive innovation and collaboration throughout the Midwest and push Chicago’s most impactful and ambitious ventures forward.

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The Chicago Hub Improvement Program is an opportunity for new federal infrastructure funding to catalyze the rail system the Midwest deserves. Securing federal dollars to advance CHIP would help enable Brain Train, a visionary high-capacity travel network poised to revolutionize local travel and spur unprecedented collaboration throughout the Midwest. By strategically connecting the city with the suburbs, as well as extending its reach to other key metropolises, innovation hubs and academic institutions, th

With connection comes opportunity to unlock new talent and create high-pay, high-growth jobs for traditionally underinvested communities. 

Linking the city and suburbs to Midwest metropolises, burgeoning innovation hubs and higher education institutions. 

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