- Bramcote College

Description: Bramcote College, a member of The White Hills Park Trust

academy (2873) nottingham (1249) nottinghamshire (407) secondary school (267) beeston (68) bramcote (11) comprehensive school (5) the bramcote school (1) bramcote park school (1) bramcote college (1)

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Bramcote College is an 11-18 academy situated in the village of Bramcote, Nottinghamshire, alongside Green Flag awarded parkland and just off the main road connecting the cities of Nottingham and Derby.  There have been schools on our estate since 1948, under different names throughout the years, allowing thousands of local children to begin their journey with us.  

We admit children into Years 7-11 from primary schools within our catchment area, and more details of how to apply for a place with us can be found on our admissions page.

Bramcote College Sixth Form, our post-16 provision, offers a range of vocational and A-Level subjects.  More information, including contact and application details can be found on the sixth form's dedicated website.

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