- Wellness Centre in the heart of Downtown Brampton. Holistic Services, Workshops and Events, Crystal and Wellness Shopping; Bowen

Description: Committed to supporting your health journey: Reiki, Reflexology, Biofeedback, Massage, Live Blood Cell Analysis, Yoga, Workshops, Crystals and more!

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Get your Live Blood analysis with Liz Rubie, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and start your health in the right direction. Call 905-459-7442 for more info and to book your appointment.

Ruchi brings over 11 years experience to her patients. She is currently available Mondays 10am-6pm; Wednesdays 10am-8pm and Fridays 10am-5pm. Call 905-459-7442 for details.

The Axiom H2 is a Molecular Hydrogen Generator. Hydrogen is a fundamental element that acts as a super antioxidant in the body. Antioxidants are vital to our overall health and can aid a wide variety of ailments.

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