Description: If you are young and you want to broaden your horizons, to know other cultures and civilizations, to learn foreign languages, to get involved in your community, we are the solution for you!
info (3112) cursuri (199) craiova (119) limba germana (7) branart awardspace
Tu : Esti tanar? Vrei sa-ti largesti orizonturile, sa cunosti alte culturi si civilizatii, sa inveti limbi straine, sa te implici in comunitatea ta?
Noi : Suntem solutia pentru tine! Implica-te!
Erasmus + project - Youth Exchange "Small business with flowers – a chance for disadvantaged" The project "Small business with flowers – a chance for disadvantaged" will be held for a period of seven months, between the 1-st February 2019 and the 31-st August 2019 and will involve a total of 40 people, out of wich 8 leaders and 32 young participants from 4 organizations from Romania, Cyprus, Turkey and Bulgaria. The youth exchange activities will take place in Craiova, Romania in the period 30.06.2019 – 07.