Description: Atulya is the brainchild of two creative, passionate individuals driven by a common love for design, aesthetics, uncompromising quality and bringing joy to ...
events (24198) weddings (9387) experience (3572) incomparable (49) weddings & events (5) atulya (2)
Atulya is the brainchild of two creative, passionate individuals driven by a common love for design, aesthetics, uncompromising quality and bringing joy to people. A spark of an idea blossomed into a carefully curated full service creative events boutique. We comprehend customs, embrace technology and transcend trends with an extraordinarily talented team of cherry-picked vendors. Be it an intimate event, a ceremonial gathering, a corporate affair, or the dream wedding of the season, we style your most anti
We believe that a celebration should reflect the style of the host and so we carefully listen to what is being conveyed. Creative ideation begins once we assimilate the client's wishlist to cultivate the look and feel of the entire event.
As they say, “the devil is in the detailing” and our strength is in our ability to plan the event listing out the minutest detail. We strive to enhance the natural beauty of a venue without taking away what it naturally represents.