- Braspenning Group: surface treatment - rope access/scaffolding

Description: Braspenning Group offers surface treatment against corrosion and (rope) access and scaffolding solutions. Specialized in shipmaintenance, tank coating, offshore, transport, industry and infrastructure.

ship (932) coating (861) scaffolding (630) corrosion (256) blasting (177) shipyards (40) hydroblasting (20) rope-acces (7) braspenning (4) 65 years of ship maintenance experience (3)

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Braspenning Group is an international group of companies offering surface treatment as well as (rope) access and scaffolding solutions in various markets.   We deliver our services at your site, at sea or in our workshops with our skilled craftsmen. With our in-house flexible labor pool we are able to cope with the dynamic demand in all our markets.   For all our activities we can call upon highly motivated and well-trained employees with extensive work experience.   We work for shipyards, large industrial