- Breads Bakery | Bakery with locations in Union Square, Lincoln Square, Upper East Side, Rockefeller Center, and Bryant Park NYC

Description: Breads Bakery is an essential New York bakery baking from the heart of Union Square. Whether it's our slow-fermented sourdough, impeccably-made espresso or world-famous Chocolate Babka, the greatest joy of all comes from sharing our work with you. We invite you to a seat at our table.

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Pre-Order Now for September 14th to September 17th

"Best of NY Chocolate Babka"              -  New York Magazine

Breads Bakery is a quintessential New York bakery known for producing artisan, handmade breads and pastries, baked in small batches throughout the day to ensure unparalleled freshness. The bakery received many accolades including "Best of NY chocolate babka" by New York Magazine and “Best Baguette in NYC” by French Morning. Breads Bakery operates several bakeries throughout Manhattan including Union Square, the Upper West Side, Bryant Park and the Upper East Side.