- BreakOut - How far can you go - BreakOut

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Saying goodbye is always hard, but especially when it involves something you're proud of. After nine eventful years, we at BreakOut unfortunately have to say goodbye. Since we no longer have enough members to organize BreakOut, we have decided to dissolve the association. So there will be no more BreakOut in the previous form.

Every year we were happy to support other voluntary organizations like Jambo Bukoba e.V., Zeltschule e.V., EinDollarBrille e.V. and Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V.. We hope that our initiative has inspired many people to be adventurous, enjoy life and help others.

We would like to thank all participants, supporters and friends of BreakOut. Thank you for all the wonderful years!

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