- Breast Cancer Survival

Description: A story of breast cancer survival and tips on how to minimize your cancer risks

stage (2304) survival (1080) breast cancer (620) diary (560) risks (131) minimize (19) fighting cancer (10) minimizing risks (1) stage 3 breast cancer (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I should have realized this fact many years ago - instead of thinking (since cancer does not run in my family) I would be safe. If you are a woman, you too are at risk of developing breast cancer, regardless of family history. Please take steps now to minimize you cancer risks so you can avoid looking like this (my MRI image above showing three malignant tumors in my right breast totally 5.5 centimeters in size).

This site has been created by a breast cancer survivor who documented her experience and what she learned from intense research on the subject of breast cancer and cancer survival in hopes of helping others fight this deadly disease. This site also includes information on how to minimize your cancer risks (your risk of all types of cancer, not just breast cancer). The information presented is for general information only and is not intended in any way to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diag

For the purpose of giving an identity to this site, my name is Janet Dee. I am married, no children, working full-time, and (until diagnosed with breast cancer) considered to be in excellent health. I'm sure as you read through this site, you will begin to wonder how a person recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and who wrote the words you're reading while undergoing chemotherapy can label herself a breast cancer survivor. My answer: There is no doubt in my mind that I will survive this. Therefore, I am a