- Breast Cancer Prevention

Description: Cancer Prevention Trials

star (1843) prevention (1079) breast cancer (621) colon cancer (96) breast cancer prevention (12) rectal cancer (10) tamoxifen (9) nsabp (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) is greatly disappointed in the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) decision not to fund the Study to Evaluate Letrozole and Raloxifene (STELLAR), or P-4. This study was designed to help us identify the risks and benefits of alternative therapies to help high-risk women make more informed choices in their fight against breast cancer. We believe that letrozole has the potential to prevent the incidence of breast cancer by up to 70 percent, which co

NSABP and our trial centers maintain our belief in the scientific integrity and validity of the P-4 study, and the importance of such long-term trials to the advancement of science. We appreciate the endorsement of the seven NCI committees that approved this trial prior to NCI Director Niederhuber’s decision to cancel funding. We also appreciate the thousands of women who wrote letters supporting this trial and are saddened by the fact that the infrastructure of more than 500 trial centers we have built up

NSABP is concerned that the debate resulting from the NCI’s cancellation of funding, and the resulting discussions about the potential side effects of letrozole (which is currently used to treat breast cancer) and raloxifene (which is currently used to prevent and treat osteoporosis), may cause some women to discontinue their treatment with these medications. It is imperative that women understand that these drugs are both approved by the Food and Drug Administration and help hundreds of thousands of women