- Blossom Bomb |

Description: Three days of rain. This corner of earth is cloaked with water. The gutters are leaking. The creek next to our house is bursting. I haven't ventured out much. I'm immobilised by rain. I think I'm going mad. The smell of tepid sludge has taken over me. Just when I think I've reached my rain limit, the forecast tells me there's more rain coming. I guess I better settle in and keep watching. Whenever it rains like this I remember a Gabriel Garcia Marquez story called 'Monologue of Isabel Watching it Rain in Ma

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December 31, 2013

iq option download for windows For a year or two now my girl and I have been doing the “I love you all the way to the moon…” thing. You know, the tender bedtime whisper or the exuberant cuddly squeeze.

Though very soon it was clear the moon was not enough, so we branched out to the planets. We got further and further out, until eventually we ran out of planets. What do you do when you hit Pluto?