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Example domain paragraphs

Hi, and welcome to my new venture!

Having been in the publishing industry for these last twenty-five years—first in Creative Nonfiction and essays, now making my living as a novelist in SFF and Romance—I’ve long made a practice of sharing what I know. One of my author friends quips that networking is my superpower. At this point, I do know a lot of people, and I’m happy to share that knowledge. I’ve done so much mentoring, in fact, formally and informally, that I’m getting more and more requests for help. And I want to be able to help everyb

Unfortunately, I only have so much energy—no matter how I try to stretch that—and I need to guard my writing time (one of my primary bits of advice for all writers!). Also, since I no longer have a day job, anything to help defray costs like paying for my own health insurance is always helpful.