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Why This Website... Why not, is really the best answer I can think of. My brother and I have had a continuing personal interest in trying to do a little more to help improve the health and welfare of as many persons as our lives can touch. This website and other websites owned by my brother and me give us the ability to reach a few people and encourage them to consider assisting others who are less fortunate, and then to give those prospective donors a helping-hand to find a cause that we hope suits them pe

My sister and I each feel a responsibility to help improve our world to the best of our abilities’ through our own deeds and as much as we can with our websites, in whatever small way possible. Both of us remain continuously busy in our given fields of study and work, for me that is history and economics and my work at a large financial company; however, that doesn't relieve me of a social responsibility to try to help the greater good. Our website's, which were described beautifully by my sister, are here

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