- Brown Coins

Description: Brown Coins is an online magazine based in Berlin for art, film, and magic.

film (21170) review (2961) greece (2944) literature (1760) interview (1056)

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A man and a woman meet on a Greek island. She is there by car. He is carrying a box of bones to bury. In MAGNETIC FIELDS , director Giorgos Gousis tells the story of a fleeting encounter. We interviewed him ahead of the Greek Film Festival Berlin where the film is screening .

What was your starting point for the film? The start of this film was a pure necessity that we were feeling to do a film and we were looking around for any excuses, for any starting points. I had vacations with my DoP, my cinematographer, and we really liked the landscapes and the impact of the island for a road film. After that, we met Elena, the protagonist. We were shooting a music video with her, with the same camera, a MiniDV. We liked the result, the feeling of the picture, and we really liked Elena.

So it was collaborative with the actress Elena Topsalidou, actor Antonis Tsiotsiopoulos and DoP Giorgos Koutsaliaris from the very beginning. I always start the project but then I’m talking and discussing with the others. Also, when, when we wrote the storyline with the other actor, the male actor, we improvised and we said, let’s pick things from our lives and put them in the characters and in the story. In the 10 days of shooting, there was always something happening, and then we were checking the shots,