- Brown Sugar Cakes | Wedding Cakes | Newcastle & Hunter Valley region

Description: BROWN SUGAR CAKES. Pre-order delicious cakes for all occasions including weddings, birthday and special events.

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Catering to the Newcastle, Hunter & Central Coast regions in NSW

WEDDING CAKES ABOUT ME CONTACT COURSES .comp-kwk99gby { --wix-color-1: 255,255,255; --wix-color-2: 153,153,153; --wix-color-3: 102,102,102; --wix-color-4: 51,51,51; --wix-color-5: 0,0,0; --wix-color-6: 210,210,210; --wix-color-7: 166,166,166; --wix-color-8: 122,122,122; --wix-color-9: 78,78,78; --wix-color-10: 39,39,39; --wix-color-11: 248,167,230; --wix-color-12: 241,123,215; --wix-color-13: 234,4,184; --wix-color-14: 156,3,123; --wix-color-15: 78,1,61; --wix-color-16: 209,183,183; --wix-color-17: 164,137,