- Fixed gear bike tricks of INES BRUNN - Kunst Rad Show Performance

Description: Artistic Bicycling Show of INES BRUNN, Kunst Rad Show Performance, The Art of Trick Bike Acrobatics, Kunstradfahren als Showeinlage - Kunstradshow von Ines Brunn

china (5179) asia (2420) stunts (174) fixie (75) track bike (18) raiser (11) track stand (2) backward circle (2) ines brunn (2) òáèª êòäú ×ôðð³µ ±íñý µâ¹ú öð¹ú ±±¾© °®ºã ±èèü å®èë ãààö ìå²ù f (2)

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Fixed Gear Bike Scene in China - 中国的fixed gear自行车