- Poeta Doctus | Throwing my hat into the hermeneutic circle…

Description: Throwing my hat into the hermeneutic circle...

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Today, in reaction to the burning of over a hundred wildfires, thirty-six out of control, t he province of Alberta has declared a state of emergency . Meanwhile, neighbouring British Columbia is suffering spring floods . And one doesn’t have to look too far afield to see the same and worse elsewhere (or elsewhen).

Understandably, among those persuaded of the reality of the threat of global warming and who either are not among those breathing hot and heavy over their growing fossil fuel wealth or haven’t simply given up (e.g., those persuaded of Near Term Human Extinction) the question of “What is to be done?” weighs heavy.

Among them are The Guardian ‘s George Monbiot and scholar-activist Andreas Malm, the latter who has just published a rebuttal to a recent column by the former questioning the aptness of property destruction in the struggle for the system change the fight against global warming calls for—a good, provocative read.

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