- Bitcoin + Trees + Civics

Description: Run your own node, plant trees, make civilization great again

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Wake up! The Bitcoin Renaissance is underway. A new age is dawning and with it comes a rare opportunity to rebuild society on a more just and stable foundation.  A full cultural revival however requires the founding of new institutions. The Bitcoin Tree Forum or BTreeC represents one such attempt and is a physical embodiment of low time preference.  It seeks to instill in society the ideals of stewardship, cooperation and freedom.  A BTreeC is a generations long project and as such will evolve with time, bu

A BTreeC is a grove of trees (ideally Giant Sequoias) planted by bitcoiners and stewarded by bitcoiners as an act of service for the generations to come. It serves as a local forum to gather and coordinate human effort towards projects that promise long term value to the community. It's a meeting place for citizens to lower their time preference and partake in something bigger than themselves. At the center of the grove is a publicly accessible Bitcoin node or QR code that serves as a portal for communities

"The gothic cathedral is a symbol of bold, ambitious, long-term projects; indeed, any single contributor to the monument would likely die before its completion, but contributed nonetheless—because it was a project worth undertaking. So it is with a [Bitcoin Tree Forum], and so it is with Bitcoin." - paraphrased from Cathedra's excellent 2021 shareholder's letter .

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