The art of circus has been kept alive for centuries, thanks to those people who believed that the human performance has no limit, and they managed to maintain this conception for generations. Twenty-five years ago a group of professionals led by István Kristóf created the Budapest International Circus Festival. We have high respect for our ancestors, and we would like to thank all the former leaders, circus directors, artists and supporters dedicated to circus arts for their work and commitment! We can only
All circuses in Europe, apart from the Capital Circus of Budapest, shut down when the pandemic broke out. However, the management of the Capital Circus of Budapest took a bold step: several times a week, it entertained the audience with live broadcasts, giving hope and faith not only to them but to all those working in circus arts as well. More than a hundred Hungarian circus artists performed in the show of four different themes named ‘Dynasties’ in the Capital Circus of Budapest. The premiere performances
The Imre Baross Artist Training Institute, which looks back on a seventy-year history, provides a uniquely high-quality training for artists, actors and background professionals. In order to continue to create a new supply of Hungarian circus art, a new school building is needed to satisfy all needs.