- Teleki Tér Shtiebel Budapest | We just need a minyan plus one

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Teleki Tér is a unique synagogue in the Hungarian Jewish scene. It is the last remaining synagogue following the Hassidic/Sfard pray liturgy. It was founded by the Chartkov Chassidim (today: Chortkiv , Ukraine) and legend has it that it was the Saintly Rebbe himself who established it. Many themes and facets of the original style remains.  It has remained a “shtiebel” – a small prayer house favoured by the Chassidic community for its “hominess” over the more formal setup of the typical synagogues. Renovatio


Rabbi: Rabbi Sholom Hurwitz President: Gá bor Ma yer Chairman: András Mayer Chazan: László Horovitz, Kornél Lefkovics

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