buehlmayer.at - Rahmen | Vergolden | C. Bühlmayer - K.u.K. Hofvergolder -

Description: Vergoldung, Rahmung, Design & Restaurierung: Traditionelle Handwerkskunst. Rahmen, Spiegel, Antiquitäten & Dekoration.

bilderrahmen (282) restaurierungen (96) schnitzereien (51) rahmen und spiegel antik und neu vergoldungen.

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Are you looking for the right frame for your picture? Do you want to make your room more attractive with a special mirror? 

Then you have come to the right place.

Take a look at our product catalogue, where you can get a feel for our products and the kind of restoration work we do. We are happy to guide you through our wide range of products, which covers everything from gilded wood carvings, lighting, adornments and chandeliers to decorating individual pieces and individual solutions.

Links to buehlmayer.at (3)