- Bylaws Specialist with extensive experience! - Building Bylaws

Description: Simone Balsara - Sydney Building Bylaws Specialist with 5+ years experience. Everything you need to know about bylaws - Get your FREE consultation today!

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There is a famous saying “your home is where your heart is”, and if there is disharmony in a strata scheme because of unclear, inconsistent, unjust or unenforceable by-laws, then this can lead to a negative impact for all lot owners and occupiers concerned. Dedication to improving the by-laws of each individual scheme ensures harmony and a sense of community to be maintained and fostered.

I believe by-laws should be drafted by an experienced strata lawyer in order to cover and consider the existing and future consequences of providing rights of exclusive use, undertaking works on lots and the common property, or for the general proper control, management, administration, use and enjoyment of the lots and common property in a strata scheme.

By-laws should also be easy to follow and understand. It is important for by-laws to be affordable, especially where individual lot owners are required to be responsible for the cost of making and registering by-laws for the benefit of their lot. It is important for lot owners to be aware of why by-laws are required and understand the process of how such by-laws are passed.