bujinkanhalifax.ca - Welcome

Description: The official website of the Bujinkan (Doyle-Bedwell) Dojo, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The Dojo is co-owned by George and Patricia Doyle-Bedwell

nova scotia (948) halifax (790) budo (424) ninjutsu (166) bujinkan (111) ninpo (45) taijutsu (44) patricia doyle-bedwell (1) george doyle-bedwell (1) bujinkan (doyle-bedwell) dojo

Example domain paragraphs

This website is the online home for the Bujinkan (Doyle-Bedwell) Dojo, Bujinkan Seminars Halifax (Events Section), and Bear Lodge Spirit Arts (Market Section).  While this website is primarily designed for current Bujinkan Dojo students, we hope to offer information, opportunities, and materials to people interested in self development, Japanese culture, Mi'kmaq culture, other martial arts, etc.  Please come and explore our site.

On The Bujinkan

An official Bujinkan Dojo is headed by a licensed Shidoshi (teacher) holding at least a Godan (5th Degree Black Belt) in the Bujinkan system.  Soke Hatsumi-Sensei is the head of nine (9) Koryu (old schools) of Japanese Budo.  They are Togakure Ryu Ninpo; Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu; Kukishinden Ryu Happo Hikenjutsu; Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu; Gyokushin Ryu Ninpo; Koto Ryu Koppojutsu; Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu, Hon Tai Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu; and Kumogakure Ryu Ninpo (for more information please see our Ryuh