bulfinheritagecycle.com - The Bulfin Heritage Cycle - Following in the Wheelrims of William Bulfin

Description: The Bulfin Heritage Cycle Rally is inspired by William Bulfin, who toured Ireland by bicycle, at the turn of the twentieth century. The story of his 3,000 mile journey was published in 1907, in a book called Rambles In Eirinn - both an enchanting tale and an important social and historical record of Ireland of old.

Example domain paragraphs

Irish Country Roads & Culture TrailsPresentRambles in EirinnBulfin Heritage Cycle Rally – National Heritage Week 2021 Laois Lore – Lords…

Bulfin Heritage Cycle Back On The Road. After much deliberation, which included changing our minds on several occasions over the course…

Aylward’s Rural Heritage Museum August 24th 2019 Over forty cyclists gathered at the wonderful Aylward’s Rural Heritage Museum, on the…

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