bulkextractor.com - eMail Extractor Software for macOS and MS Windows

Description: eMail extractor is a tool for extracting e-mail addresses from all kind of sources like your local files, web pages or the clipboard in order to create highly targeted and legitimate bulk e-mail lists.

email (30908) e-mail (9610) apple (5038) mac (3286) mail (3165) mailbox (1191) address (1189) macintosh (696) retriever (503) extractor (68)

Example domain paragraphs

If you have a business eMail Extractor will save you lots of time by recovering your customer e-mail addresses from your mailbox files and local files.

Recover in minutes all your customers e-mail addresses right from your mailboxes and contact files!

​Wow! This is possibly the best $20 I have ever spent. I sent out an email newsletter and forgot to set up the bounce handling correctly, which resulted in me getting 300+ bounced emails. Using Thunderbird on the Mac I created a folder to keep them all in, but then of course I was faced with opening 300 emails, copying out the email address and giving them to an administrator to process in our CRM system. Using eMail Extractor I got the list of email addresses in 10 secs flat. BRILLIANT! Regs....David.

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