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Description: Poetic discourse for the fallen persona

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Hopefully we're not too late. The forces of evil 'out there', try as they might, cannot get away with their persistent attempts to assassinate creativity — to stop pure innovation as expressed by artists, designers, musicians and performers that typically operate outside of the bounds of scientific methodolgies, government monitoring or other systems of fuckery. We at the Bureau of cyberSurreal investigation look for forensic evidence.

We follow the trail. There is evidence that poetry still exists in the world despite all efforts to squelch and stifle fun, creativity, innovation and anything real and vital. One body after the other — we look for the papertrail of deception and expose any crimes against creativity right here on the web. We also find and report back on evidence of beautiful new work in the arts that espouses a certain interdiscipinary and ' cyberSurreal ' spirit.

A quick warning to the pussies and haytaz: we won't stop until you kill us. And when you kill one of us, our seeds disperse and scatter in unfathomable ways that continue to spread the myth and methodologies of the new revolution.

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