buriedinthenoise.com - Destroying thought in order to save it – The lone survivor of a doomed expedition

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Browsing Feedly this morning I noticed a couple of posts showed up from my own blog. Which I found interesting given that I had not written anything. They were bot-produced spam ads for an internet paper-writing service, hilariously written in some of the most garbled uncanny English one could imagine. Perhaps the most desperate of cheaters, in the waning hours before a course term paper deadline, on their sixth cup of coffee and still staring at a blank Word file, would forgive such trifles, or even be imp

Fortunately the offenders were not intelligent users, just bots exploiting a dummy test user I’d set up and forgotten about, and probably didn’t bother to give a strong password to. (Pro tip: delete your old unused WordPress users. Luckily I am good about more thorough about this at work where I am compensated for maintaining WordPress sites.) Easily deleted, but I’ll always remember them.

Anyway, while I’m here, I guess I could check in about the pandemic at least once for the historical record. Not that this website will be in the top 100 million sources future scholars will study to understand how society dealt with it in real time. And also, my experience hasn’t been that unusual.

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