burlingamemodern.com - Burlingame Eichler | Mills Estates Eichler Homes

Description: Mills Estates is an Eichler home Tract in Burlingame California. This site links to Eichler Real Estate maps, and Joseph Eichler History.

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Joseph Eichler was a California-based, post-war residential real estate developer known for building homes in the Modernist style. Between 1950 and 1974, his company, Eichler Homes, built over 11,000 homes in Northern California and three communities in Southern California, which came to be known as Eichlers. During this period, Eichler became one of the nation's most influential builders of modern homes. The San Francisco Bay Area Eichlers are mostly in San Francisco, Sacramento, Marin County, the East Bay

The 100 Eichler Homes of Mills Estate are not your average Eichlers. Mills Estate is one of the "newer" Burlingame neighborhoods. The Mills Estate Eichler Homes here are large, ranging from 1,900 - 2,300sq.ft. These 'late' Eichlers were designed for the home owner who wanted more space, more ammenities, and more Eichler! Though Mills Estate prices are a bit high, consider what the price would be for a comparable home in Palo Alto or Menlo Park - If one were available.​ . 

Burlingame Eichlers | Mills Estates | Eichler Homes