Description: Attorney serving the People of Texas for Over 13 Years. Whether you or a family member has been injured or ensnared in a criminal matter, we have the experience to help. Injury, Wrongful Death, Criminal, Records Sealed
texas (13244) tx (7735) attorney (6993) records (1868) fort worth (1286) injury (1280) death (1269) criminal (954) wrongful death (343) john r. burton (1)
2200 Hemphill Street Fort Worth , TX 76110 ph: 817-922-9976 fax: 817-921-9740 jburton @burtonfi rm .com
In personal injury, wrongful death, and criminal cases, we strive to keep clients informed while working to produce the best results possible.
Years of experience help us successfully handle cases and prevent surprises for clients.