- Business & Bubbly

Description: Networking Community & Connections for Women in Business

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Join our NEW monthly Business BuildHER Mastermind & build your business FASTER with like-minded women

We believe that every woman deserves to be seen, heard, known, to belong , to have a seat at the table and that what she brings to the table matters. Click the button to find a networking chapter near you and join our local & global community today!

This isn't your cookie-cutter networking event where someone shoves a business card in your hand, verbal vomits their robotic 30-second pitch, and leaves you feeling like you're surrounded by sleezy salesmen...#YaFeelMe This is a room filled with your soon-to-be #businessbesties and genuine, authentic connections because we aren't meant to do life or business alone. (Oh, and bubbly...because, well, if we aren't having fun, we aren't doing it right)! Join us for a co-work / co-play networking event where hig

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