butterflyfingers.com - ButterflyFingers – life is for living

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life is for living

It’s a Christmas miracle everyone. I finished two chapters in the month of October. Wait does that mean it’s a Halloween miracle? It doesn’t quite have the same ring to it but we can get used to it, right?

As this is an update and I can’t have it be like 40 words, I’m trying to think of something to add to this. I guess I can tell you about my new idea on how to write more frequently but honestly, I don’t think that matters. I accomplished my goal of two chapters and now it’s important that I keep it up for this month and so on. Yeah, I only wrote in the first week of October and then didn’t open the document again, but it’s not like I failed…It’s not ideal and I don’t want this to become a pattern but I can

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