- Enjoy a momoent with Eric!

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Hello There!   Welcome, and thank you for being here.  Should you not know who I am, my name is Eric Trager.  I run a series of for profit, and not for profit websites. In either way, I hope that I have contributed to you and/or your family in some sort of a funky, but good way. My aim is to be a giver verses a taker!

I am a really easy kind of a guy. If you are so inclined, pull a chair up and let's have a drink together (alcoholic or non, I enjoy both :-) ).  Also feel free to reach out and tell me who you are, and what brought you here.  I always return every communication I receive (I think it would be rude for me not to).  Roam around this simple site for a bit, while we sip on our drinks and get to know each other (I also encourage you to look take a peek at the 'Share a Round' page). So there it is, nothing fancy,

© 2011