- The Power of Vital Force is a practical pathway to the unlimited source of energy and intelligence that exists beyond the thinki

Description: Vital Force: Ancient Energy Secrets for Modern Life. Fuel Your Energy, Purpose, and Performance with Ancient Secrets of Breath and Meditation.

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Rajshree Patel is a former federal prosecutor who discovered the ancient wisdom of India by accident. She opened over 600 meditation centers and has inspired hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to greater happiness and more success.

It’s hard to imagine I once worked as a prosecutor with the US attorney’s office in the Los Angeles District Attorneys office. I didn’t know it then, but I was running on empty. I barely had enough power to get through the things I had to do, let alone the things I wanted to do. I was going through the motions of life but somehow lacking the joy and the enthusiasm I once knew.

Back in 1989, a chance meeting with spiritual master Sri Sri Ravi Shanker changed all that. Who could have guessed a few moments a day could change how I think, feel, act, and up-level my happiness quotient? Since that chance meeting, I have traveled the globe teaching that ancient wisdom of India to hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life.