c64music.co.uk - CGSC Homepage

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COMPUTE!'s Sidplayer was a music system created by Craig Chamberlain and Harry Bratt for the Commodore 64 home computer. Sidplayer was the most popular Commodore 64 music system in the U.S., as measured by the number of songs available for download on services such as Compuserve and Q-Link (the forerunner to America Online).

The aim of the Compute's Gazette Sid Collection is to try and preserve as many of those Sidplayer music files in one location as possible. The current collection contains 16403 MUS files, 4356 STR files and 5556 WDS files.

NOTE: MUS files contain music, STR files contain voices 4-6 for stereo music and WDS files contain the words to the tune.

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