- AromAmore Amazing Artisan Coffee

Description: The original Aromatic venue of the beautiful Aromas of Italy, Ireland, Sweden and Germany. Fresh Ground Italian Coffee. Original German Bratwurst and Scandinavian Wild Boar. Located in Blackburn

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We're Loco about our AromAmoré Coffee (Pronounced Aroma-Amor é) The Essence and Love of great Coffee

We are the original AromAmoré venue offering the beautiful Aromatics of our Italian Continental Traditional Coffee Our Barista creates a very specific tasting coffee, and at our Bury outlet we use our own fresh roasted Artisan Coffee Beans with our retro 1950's style hand pressed, lever pulled deluxe espresso machine.

We use traditional machinery for our coffee making, thus avoiding the automation that can be seen in all of the modern machines, so the skill and taste of the coffee is both authentic and individually created at the hands of our Barista.