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Magic is a practice that involves the use of magical spells and techniques. Although the procedure can help solve problems, it can isolate the magicians. In either case, Magic can be an effective tool if used sensibly. This article will discuss two different forms of Magic. The first type is wild Magic, which can work despite human control.

The second type of Magic is learned Magic. This type of Magic is most appropriate for stories where the protagonist learns to use it. In levels where Magic is widely available, the protagonists should focus on learning how to use it instead of having it naturally. This can be done by creating a world where magic education systems exist.

The third type of Magic is contagious. In this type of Magic, a person can conjure a specific outcome by imagining a particular object’s appearance or behavior. This type of Magic is called scapulamancy. The shoulder bone of a sheep, the symbol of the universe, can be used for divination. Sorcerers may also use a victim’s hair, nail parings, or a piece of clothing to influence an outcome.

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