- 花蓮踩風民宿

Description: 來到花蓮踩風民宿就像自己的家一樣自在無拘無束放輕與舒暢。 花蓮踩風民宿鄰近知名鯉魚潭,位於吉安鄉鄰近花蓮市,但郤有著田園鄉間的景觀與寧靜心靈的空間 ...

花蓮民宿 (95) 花蓮住宿 (68) 花蓮親子民宿 (25) 親子民宿 (11) 吉安民宿 (8) 超大庭院 (1) 含早餐 (1)

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※Please prepay 50% deposit of the room price within 2 days after booking ※

Taiwan transfer method Bank: Yongfeng Bank Hualien Branch Branch code: 807 Account Name: Lin Zhijie Account Number: 176-018-0003538-8 ◈ After remittance, please inform us after 5 codes of account number to confirm and complete the reservation.