- Lubbock | Chiropractic | Acupuncture

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Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts focused on human health and disease processes. Doctors of Chiropractic are physicians who consider people as an integrated being and give special attention to the physiological and biochemical aspects including structural, spinal, musculoskeletal, neurological, vascular, nutritional, and emotional and environmental relationships.

The practice and procedures which may be employed by Doctors of Chiropractic are based on the academic and clinical training received in and through accredited chiropractic colleges and include, but are not limited to, the use of current diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Such procedures specifically include the adjustment and manipulation of the articulations and adjacent tissues of the human body, and most specifically the spinal column. Included is the treatment of abnormalities to address functional

Chiropractic is a drug-free, non-surgical science and does not include pharmaceuticals or surgery. Chiropractic manipulation is one of several established forms of treatment used for back problems. Now, with today’s growing emphasis on treatment options, manipulation is receiving much more widespread attention. Chiropractic manipulation, also frequently called the chiropractic adjustment, is the form of manipulation that has been most extensively used by Americans for the last one hundred years. Satisfied c