- Caledonian Photonics

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Caledonian Photonics Limited is a consultancy in the field of robust, miniaturised solid-state lasers and associated optical systems. We have expertise in design for manufacture, reliability and environmental insensitivity, with experience of the academic, scientific and defence markets. Based in central Scotland, Caledonian Photonics was founded in May 2018. Since that time Caledonian Photonics has been engaged in consultancy to the Photonics industry and in technology development for exploitation in futur

Caledonian Photonics is a member of Technology Scotland and Photonics Scotland.

Stephen Lee, Caledonian Photonics’ founder and CEO, has 23 years of experience in the design and manufacture of solid-state lasers and their integration into optical systems. Stephen’s PhD from the University of Strathclyde in experimental laser physics concentrated on increasing the stability and practicality of ultrashort-pulsed diode-pumped solid-state laser systems. He further developed this area of expertise during his 6 years at Coherent as a senior laser design engineer engaged in new product design

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