- Callosum Neurology

Description: Callosum Neurology Journal : Jurnal Berkala Neurologi Bali is an official journal managed by The Indonesia Neurological Association Branch of Denpasar cooperated with Department of Neurology at Udayana University. The process of manuscript submission is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscript will be screened with double-blind peer review and editorial review before they are accepted to publish. This journal is published three times a year in January, May, and September and contains original arti

Example domain paragraphs

Callosum Neurology Journal: Jurnal Berkala Neurologi Bali is an official journal managed by The Indonesia Neurological Association Branch of Denpasar. The process of manuscript submission is open throughout the year. All submitted manuscripts will be screened with double-blind peer review and editorial review before they are accepted to publish. This journal is published three times a year in January, May, and September and contains original articles of research, case reports, case series reports, literatur

Focus and Scope

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