- CallTraxPlus | Phone Call Tracking | Ad Tracking -

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For years business owners have recognized the truth of the statement “I know half my advertising is wasted—I just don’t know which half.”  The Calltrax Plus campaign tracking solution finally provides a way to successfully measure and track advertising through comprehensive phone call tracking.  The CallTrax Plus solution is an effective combination of phone call tracking software and keyword tracking software.  It can be used with any kind of advertising both traditional, online, and web2.0 campaigns final

CallTrax Plus’ ad tracking service is an ad tracking tool that helps you track marketing by accurately collecting data about phone responses to your various efforts.  You can use telephone call tracking and the CallTrax Plus campaign tracking software to measure the effectiveness and track ads in Print advertising, Radio Advertising, Television Advertising, and online advertising.  Tracking campaigns will immediately help you save money by easily letting you identify and eliminate campaigns that don’t gener

Online campaign tracking:  Online tracking campaigns is where CallTrax Plus really shines.  CTP’s online ad tracking provides the most powerful keyword tracking tool for offline (phone call) responses ever developed.  You can quickly acquire clean toll free or local phone numbers and assign them to any of the following:

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