- Cambodian Village Fund – Changing lives

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The Cambodian Village Fund started with a bicycle. Nancy wanted to buy a $40 bicycle for her hair stylist’s village back in Cambodia.  The villagers would share the bike to ride to the market, school, temple, and clinic.  More bikes and visits led to a deep bonding with the poor, hardworking village residents, many with little or no education.

Our grass roots 501(c)(3), established in 2006, improves the lives of northwestern Cambodia youth by building schools, giving scholarships -- especially to girls -- and offering free English classes.  We also help improve roads, provide safe drinking water and conduct eye clinics. And we launched a youth soccer program for both boys and girls – including building a brand-new soccer stadium.

Many other charities are at work investing in some of the world’s most impoverished communities. The Cambodian Village Fund isn’t the biggest or the oldest of them, but we are definitely among the most focused on maximizing every dollar donated to personally make a difference, one school at a time, even one student at a time. We communicate with the students every week. We know their struggles and successes.

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