- Motorcycle -

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Motorcycling has been a favorite activity of mine for most of my life. If you're as passionate about the sport as I am, hopefully you'll find something interesting below. This page will be updated with personal news and thoughts on things I find interesting. If you have anything you'd like to submit, let me know and I'll stick it on here as well. When you're done, send me a note to let me know what you think, or just say "Hi!" and chat about bikes or riding. I'm always happy to meet up and show (or be shown

I suppose I should update the ZZR story. The insurance company totaled the bike even though the only damage was to the plastic body pieces. So I bought the bike back from them, used the extra money to buy a complete set of body panels from a 2005 ZZR and the few other pieces damaged in the crash, and was still able to pocket a few hundred dollars. On top of that I ended up with a nearly complete set of spare body panels, even if a few are scuffed a bit. The only parts I am missing are the front cowling whic

My riding has been severely limited the last couple of seasons. With the new addition to the family, I've been staying nearer to home and haven't been on many overnight trips. Still, I like to get out for a day trip when I can. Since they are few and far between I really look forward to them. This past Sunday I was able to get out and made plans to meet a riding buddy in Wisconsin for a good day of nice twisty roads. I was late since I had a little too much fun on the way over, but we still had a full day a

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